Search Engine Optimization

Ranking made easier!

The technique of increasing the quantity and quality of search engine traffic to a website or web page is known as search engine optimization (SEO). Instead of direct traffic or bought traffic, SEO focuses on organic outcomes. Unpaid traffic can come from a variety of queries, including pictures, video, news, academic, and vertical search engines that cater to particular industries. When used as an Internet marketing strategy, SEO takes into account a variety of factors, including how search engines operate, the computer algorithms that determine how they behave, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords they enter into search engines, and which search engines their intended audience prefers. Our SEO developers at Extended web app tech are front-end web developers who specialise in optimising search engine discovery and rankings. They are involved in the technical aspects of the creation, maintenance, and deployment of SEO for websites. 

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How Does SEO Operate?

Enhance your market capacity with proper SEO implementation.

When someone has a question and is looking for an answer on the internet, they use search engine programs called search engine algorithms to hunt for hints to provide users with the precise results they seek. Algorithms are used by search engines to identify websites and choose which ones to rank for a given keyword. Crawling, the discovery stage, indexing, the filing stage, and ranking, the retrieval stage—these are the three phases that make up the operation of a search engine.

It includes 3 steps: crawling, ranking, and indexing. 

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Three Pillars of SEO

Knowing how to get your brand, website, or business found by searchers is a basic competency for digital marketers, and keeping up with SEO trends can help you stay on top of your game. While SEO is subject to regular, minor modifications, its fundamental principles remain constant. We may divide SEO into three main elements or pillars that you must be aware of and practice regularly: 


Technical optimization is the process of finishing tasks on your site that are not linked to content but are intended to increase SEO.


On-Page Optimization: On-Page Optimization is the procedure you employ to make sure the information on your site is pertinent and offers a wonderful user experience.

Off-Page Optimization: Off-Page Optimization is the process of raising your site's ranks in search engines by engaging in activities off of it.

Illustrations of SEO Goals

Here are three SEO objective examples that can be utilised as a model for developing pertinent goals for your own company or website:

Why Choose Us?

Our search engine optimization specialist’s job is to assess and evaluate websites and optimise them so that search engines will find them. The goal of an SEO specialist is to enhance website traffic by creating content that contains relevant keywords and phrases. Hire us soon! 

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