React Native app development

One codebase for two platforms.

One can build genuinely native apps using React Native while maintaining the quality of the user experience. It offers a fundamental set of native components independent of the platform, such as View, Text, and Image, which map exactly to the platform’s native UI building blocks. React components encapsulate pre-existing native code and communicate with native APIs using JavaScript and the declarative UI. This enables our whole teams of React Native developers to code and can let existing native teams work much faster.

Core Components and API's Of React

React Native app development has several pre-built Core Components ready for your app’s usage. The left sidebar lists them all (or the menu above if you are on a narrow screen). You are not restricted to the React Native-bundled components and APIs. The React Native development community is in the thousands. Take a look at the following categories

Basic Components

It consists of view, Text, image, Text input, Scroll View, and StyleSheet.

User Interface

These common user interface controls will render on any platform. It has a button and a switch.

List Views

The list view components that follow only display elements visible on the screen now. Flat list and Section list it has.


It consists of Backhandler, DrawerLayout Android, Permissions Android, and Toast Android.


Wrappers for frequently used UIKit classes are provided by several of the components listed below. It has Action Sheet IOS

Integrate APIs With React Native

Compiles to native Java and Swift code

For managing HTTP requests, React native uses an API called Fetch API. Web apps utilize the same API. It will be simpler to comprehend this manual if you have used “fetch” in the past. A single global method called “fetch()” is utilized to fetch data. This technique is asynchronous. The URL of the data we are retrieving is the only argument it can accept in its basic form. It can be used to asynchronously fetch data and then process it when it is finished.

Work with the new invention with our expert React Native Development Team

React Native framework

With the help of the React Native development framework, you can use JavaScript to create native mobile apps. You can write a single codebase for both Android and iOS with React Native.

React Native is growing in popularity

React Native is growing in popularity as a fortunate solution to build cross-platform mobile apps with less tension on your budget. It’s getting much easier to write brilliant apps using React Native.

development of mobile apps easier after ReactJS

React Native was developed to make the development of mobile apps easier after ReactJS. The answer is straightforward: life is made much simpler if you can create an app once in JavaScript and release it to both Android and iOS.

generates native Java and Swift code

it generates native Java and Swift code rather than just “working.” Normally, Java (for Android) and Swift/Obj-C would be required to program your mobile application (for iOS). By doing away with that requirement, React Native enables developers to produce fully functional apps for both platforms in less time and with only one coding language.

Our React Native Developers will build your app

React Native is growing in acceptance by the public, community backing, and market share. To create UIs for many platforms, our react native developers use the React Native framework. They are front-end developers with a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create UI components. Do hire us! 

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