Database Technologies

Storage engine and processing engine.

Database technologies allow users to quickly and intuitively go back and discover the information they’re looking for by taking information and storing, organizing, and processing it appropriately. Using Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft created SQL Server, a relational database management system. 

Our database developers are experts at managing databases on a commercial level. To enhance your data durability and better functioning of websites, choose our developers for the same.

Exploit the most from our database developers to build a robust website

Database plays a critical role

Database plays a critical role in web app development. It is among the most crucial components of creating an application. Before leveraging databases in your application, you must have a solid understanding of them. 

database architecture is crucial

A website's database architecture is crucial to its performance and gives you details on transactions, data integrity, and security concerns. You will discover the function of databases in creating web applications in this article. Additionally, you'll discover the most well-liked web app databases and how to link databases with online applications.

Data is the foundation of a web application

Data is the foundation of a web application. It stores user information, session data, and other application data. Databases are made to ensure the information they hold is well-organized and accessible. A database is created and maintained using a database management system (DBMS).

Procedural methods followed by the database developer at our firm

We Develop complex and stable software systems for varying industries.

A DBMS developer provides appropriate language to users to help query databases and updates. It creates and maintains the database. Some examples of database languages are SQL, Oracle, dBase, MS Access, FoxPro, etc. Database technologies have applications in all sectors, such as:

What are the various database systems used at Extended Web App Tech?

A database management system is a software package for creating and managing databases. Many different database systems exist based on how they manage the database structure.

Hierarchical database systems

A hierarchical database model resembles a tree structure, similar to a folder architecture in your computer system. They require the user to pass a hierarchy to access needed data. 

Network database systems

A hierarchical structure is also included in network database models. However, this paradigm permits many-to-many relationships rather than a single-parent tree hierarchy because child tables might have more than one parent.

Object-oriented database systems

The information is presented as objects, and many associations between two or more items are available. These databases are developed using an object-oriented programming language.

Relational database management

Multiple data tables with rows and columns are present in relational databases. Unique key fields connect these tables. With features for reading, generating, updating, and removing data, these databases are more adaptable than flat file formats.

Database Technology At Extended Web Apptech

Database developers at the Extended Web AppTech have hands-on experience and have worked on many enterprise-level projects. Database utilization is an essential part of any web development, so utilizing it proficiently is what our Database developers are experts at. 

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