AWS Cloud Services

With the help of AWS consultants, businesses can save money on cloud computing and tenancy fees, streamline migrating to AWS, and successfully execute AWS-based applications.

Help is available for establishing and maintaining an AWS-based IT framework. We guarantee the smooth and cost-effective operation of your application.

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Cloud Consulting Services

Cloud Consulting Services on AWS

Knowledge and Experience with Amazon Web Services

A successful transition to cloud computing may appear overwhelming initially, but the rewards will surpass the initial effort. Extended Web AppTech, an Expert Supplier for Amazon Web Services, is one such reliable cloud consulting services provider that can assist you in overcoming obstacles. Our consultants also have business and technical skills that AWS has validated.

Reduce Risks

Reduce Risks

By utilising our migration service, you can be certain that your data is in the capable hands of our AWS-certified experts. Using this method, you may more efficiently and effectively reach your goals.

Minimizing Expenditures

We analyse your present infrastructure and provide an accurate and efficient cost estimate for operating your apps on AWS. Because of our extensive expertise in assisting clients with optimising their AWS infrastructure.

Quicker Realization of Economic Benefits

We streamline the whole relocation procedure to save you time and energy. This shortens the time it takes until your business benefits from moving to the cloud, which helps speed up your migrations.

Consulting Services Offer various Benefits for Amazon Web Services.

We offer comprehensive consulting guidance for the AWS Cloud services, including audits, strategies, road maps, designs, builds, and migrations.

Cut expenses

By demonstrating how to utilise AWS cloud services and DevOps principles, we help you save time and money by minimising the necessity of redoing work previously done and by giving you a plan for migrating your specific apps and data warehouses.


When possible, we use native web services to keep your AWS environment running smoothly and cheaply, and we plan for auto scaling patterns to cut back on cloud use and make your system more robust when under pressure.

Fault-tolerant recovery

Our AWS specialists create dependable designs for apps and assist with establishing application performance management procedures to help pinpoint and fix problematic parts of apps in a timely fashion. We also help you isolate affected areas and get your infrastructure backup so it can continue functioning normally.


We help you fine-tune your AWS-powered environment at the component and access management levels and double-check that everything is set up correctly.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security

Before migrating to the cloud, one of the most important things to consider is keeping your and your customer’s data safe. Our cloud security strategy services provide a wide range of options, including layered security, remote worker protection, and cloud-based security.

Data Analysis in the Cloud

To create value from data, analytics is essential. According to our findings, 7% of companies whose digital transitions are successful integrate sophisticated analytics into their daily operations and corporate culture through cloud consulting services.

Hire AWS Cloud Consultants now

If you need help with an AWS cloud services project, our AWS-trained team of AWS consultants are here to help. Please get in touch with us immediately to learn more about how we can assist you with your cloud consulting services needs.

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