The Full Stack Framework, and Our Enhanced Development Efforts, Are Here for You to Use

Full stack development is a phase of web development or software development in which a stack of solution subsystems and components for an application is created. You do not need to invest in extra web services or software to support your web application using full-stack development. The full stack framework is a flexible tool that is used by developers for business enhancement.

Harness The Potential Of Full Stack Framework

With Our Supercharged Development Efforts

Upgrading your website or web application is simple with full stack development. Full stack developers are knowledgeable about new technologies and tools. They guarantee that your backend and front-end operations become more efficient, resourceful, and market-ready.

The most significant benefit of full stack application is cost savings. Hiring solutions stack developers will save a lot of money and time on web development. Over time, your website management will become more cost-effective and productive.

Extended has assisted organisations in meeting their business goals via web development, mobile app development, and other software development projects. Our full-stack experts have over a decade of expertise with frontend and backend frameworks and database management.

Element of Full Stack Application Development Solutions

Front End Development

A great online experience begins with an easy-to-use web interface. We master frontend design by using strong technologies such as


Angular is a free and open-source JavaScript framework using TypeScript maintained by Google. Its primary use is to develop single-page apps.

React js

ReactJS is an open-source, free JavaScript frontend toolkit for creating user interfaces built on UI components.

java script

JavaScript is a programming and scripting language that enables complicated features to be implemented on web pages.

Element of Full Stack Application Development Solutions

Backend Development

Backend development is linked to underlying functionality, data access, security, and so forth. Backend is the crucial part of the full stack application. We feed the backend with the following cutting-edge technologies:

Microsoft's ASP.NET is an open-source web framework for developing advanced online applications and services that operate on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Docker.


Node.js is a server environment that is open source. JavaScript may be executed on the server using Node.js. Node.js is cross-platform and may be operated on Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS, and other operating systems.

Custom PHP

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language for building dynamic web pages for developing web-based apps.


Python is a high-level programming language. Its design concept prioritises code readability by using heavy indentation.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework built in Ruby under the MIT License.


Express is a Node.js web application framework that provides a minimal yet adaptable set of features for constructing web and mobile applications.

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